Sunday, August 7, 2011

Setting up the panels....

This year for the fair, being as I am the group leader, I signed the kids up to help with the setting up of the lamb pens prior to the fair starting.

It was an early morning start today as we needed to be at the livestock barn at 7:30am. Jake and I met Cami and Shania at Cami's work in South Ogden at 7:00am, and took Shania with us to the fairgrounds. I feel it was rewarding for our group to be part of this event. It gave them the oppertunity to see just what really goes on to get the fair set up and ready for the animals to come in.

It only took us a couple of hours, but I feel that having them do this has helped them to grow in the 4-H program. We have a super group and we have alot of fun together. Jake and Brayden have become good friends as well, which is neat to watch that friendship grow all because they share a similar intrest in the lambs.

I am so glad that this program is avalibe to keep kids intrested in things that will help them become better people in the world for the future. Thanks Team John Deere! We Rock!!

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