Thursday, August 11, 2011

Show Day......

Today is the show day at the Weber County Fair. Jake is getting to be such a pro at this. He is so darn cute as he walks his lamb into the ring and sets her up for the judge. He is learning so much each year, and has grown just as much. He is so focused and does his very best each year.

This year the judge was so helpful to each of the kids. He took the time to explain to each child what they could work on and improve on for the next year. He gave a little speech telling all of the children that he is a father of kids that show in his fair and that he knows how discouraging it can seem when they dont win, but he explained that it isnt the children that are being judged and if it were they would all win 1st place, just for choosing to raise an animal for the fair. He stated that he knows how the parents feel also, and explained that his kids had just shown there animals at there fair and that it was difficult for him as well. I felt that was a very personalble thing for him to do as a judge. It ment alot to me as a parent and I know that it made the kids feel better also.

Jake did a great job, not only showing the lamb, but also in the showmanship round. He has moved up to a diffrent age group and now is with some of the older kid's but even then he did a great job. He smiled so cute, and made great eye contact. I love this part of the show day, because all of the kids are smiling, and seem to be having fun. It looks so nice to have 10-12 smiling children with the animals they have worked with for the past 4 1/2 months in the show ring together. It seems to me that this is when the can express their joy and pride in their animals. I am so proud of Jake and the choice he has made again this year to take place in this program. He is a natural with animals and does such a great job every year. Way to go Jaker T!!
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