Wednesday, March 2, 2011

All gave some, Some gave all

Today the boy's and I went up to Tremonton to visit Troy and Sharon. On our way home we drove through Tremonton town to see this statue.

While watching television the other day, the show "Saving Private Ryan" was on and since it was edited for television showing we decided that the boy's could watch it with us. After we had watched the show, Travis reminded us that this was based on a true story, and that it was based on this family from Tremonton, Utah.

So we decided that we would go and visit this statue and read the biographies that are on it. I found it so interesting, and fascinating to read about each of these boy's. What pain this Mother must have felt with each of the notifications she received of her boy's death's. I know as a Mother, that would be the hardest thing for me to hear. It was so amazing to know that these stories are so true.

The monument that is there is so beautiful, and such a tribute to those that have fought for our Freedom. Not only is it a monument for the loss that this family endured, but also for the loss suffered in each war. There are pillars with names on them of each fallen solider, for each war we have had, that lived in the Box Elder County area. It was a very humbling place. I am so grateful to these soldier's that gave all they had, to protect my Freedom, and to allow me and my family to live in this wonderful country that we do.

Thank You, just doesn't seem enough for all those that give so much for those of us they don't even know. I am honored to be an American!! God Bless the U.S.A.

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